Dear Readers,
I apologize from the bottom of my heart for taking almost a month off. I truly apologize. But between family vacations, reunions and being called as ward camp leader and stake girl's camp director (note to self, never accept both callings at the same time again), life this summer has been busy to say the least. I am however, really excited to share with you what we did, things I made for our stake girls camp, and other things I've been making over the summer but literally have NOT had time to post. Here is the first post I would love to share with you about Stake Girls Camp! Scripture Candy!

I came up with these fun "scripture candy bars" for girls camp. I have been to 13 girls camps so far and I am sure plenty more are to come. This SERIOUSLY worked AMAZING! Every year YW leaders roll their eyes and heave a big sigh when we say, "Secret Sisters!" I did NOT want that this year. I have seen it done MANY ways and my sister Candace (she is in the Stake YW presidency and was my right arm with girls camp) and I came up with a way to "level the playing field" for Secret Sister gifts.
Truly this worked out AMAZINGLY! No one felt like they didn't get anything better, bad or best. We decided to have everyone bring CANDY BARS! REGULAR SIZE, no mini size and no large theater size candy. Simple and sweet. The thing they had to do with the candy was come up with a spiritual quote, scripture or saying that went along with the candy. Some candy or food items I saw over camp were:
Regular Candy Bars (all varieties)
Can of Pop
Packages of Gum
Small pkg. Gold Fish
Small pkg. Trial Mix
Small pkg. Oreos and other Cookies
Life Savers
Sweet Hearts
It seriously was awesome! The wards could come up with gifts and quotes together or the girls could individually bring their own. I never heard one negative comment from any leaders or girls about Secret Sister gifts, every leader said they loved it! SCORE!
These were the ones I made! We had the girls choose from a "young woman bowl" and the leaders chose from a "leader bowl." So leaders got leaders, and girls got girls. I had a wave of candy/scripture inspiration come over me and I made these in just a few minutes! Scrap pieces of cute paper and a sharpie. VIOLA! I was pretty excited to give these to my Secret Sister, and she loved them too.
NOTE: I am ALSO Ward Compassionate Service Leader and I will be making these for women of my ward who need a little "pick me up!" So these are NOT just for girls camp! They are for friends, family, ward family and everyone in between!
If you can't read them, here is what they say.
(I made these literally just a few hours before I left for camp)
Hershey's bar: What is your Favorite Scripture Hero? (Mine is Capt. Moroni - Alma 48:17)
York Peppermint Patty: "Yor Mint" for Greatness! D&C 64:33
Reeses: Read your Scriptures Daily! They give us true understanding. Proverbs 3:5
Kit Kat: Kneel before your King. "Gratitude turns what we have into enough."
(I wrote on the back a scripture about prayer and I encouraged to give a prayer of just thanks.)
Girls Camp ARMOR UP 2016
(I totally propped this up, set it on a timer then ran like crazy to get in there.
It was hilarious! I'm the one bending over on the far right side.)