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Monday, January 8, 2018

Italian Bottle Candle

Ever since I was a little girl, I have ALWAYS wanted a bottle candle while eating Italian food just like "Lady and the Tramp!"
Well, I FINALLY MADE ONE! (Only 20 some years later.) My kids were thrilled and thought it was super cool! They can't wait to use it for Halloween as well for our witches table. Once we drink some more sparkling cider I will make more bottle candles, but for now, one is awesome!

It was super easy to make and took me literally 20 minutes, only because I had to wait for my tea candles to melt. It would have taken 5 minutes otherwise.

Make one or two for Valentines Day!

First things first... LAY SOME FOIL ON YOUR COUNTER!
This is a bit messy and you don't want to clean wax off your counter!
I crafted on a paper towel and some of the candle wax went on my counters, so I had a few minutes of scraping it off with my spatula. Learn from my mistakes, craft on FOIL! 

Put your candles and bottle on the foil you laid out.

The narrow opening of the bottle wouldn't allow my taper candle to fit, so I took a sharp knife and shaved off the bottom sides. 
(I went up a little far, you don't have to shave your candle up as much as I did.)
(I didn't know the candle was white underneath! I thought I was safe!)

I took some little tea candles and let them burn so the wax was melted.

I then poured the melted wax on the candle and bottle.

To hide the white candle I shaved down to, I took a match and simply melted the green taper candle up and around to make the white look less harsh.


Easy clean up, throw the foil away!

I can't wait to build up the wax on the bottle over time! It will be SO FUN!

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