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Monday, March 24, 2014

Date Jar- Wedding or Anniversary Gift Idea

We recently made this gift for some friends of ours who just got married. I say "we" because my husband had to help me with all of the date ideas! This was definitely a team effort. We had so much fun writing down dates we've loved doing over the years. It brought back some fun memories. This was VERY simple and fun! I even gave you the list of dates we wrote on the tongue depressors so you don't have to think of any if you don't want to! 
I wrote in the card, "It gets harder to come up with fun/ crazy dates once your married, so this should help! 2 rules of the game. 1, you have to go on a date at least once a month. 2, when you choose a "stick" you HAVE to do it! Have fun!" 

Take large tongue depressor sticks and write with different colored "thin sharpies" the list of dates as shown below. Add in your favorites as well!

List of Dates - 
(My husband and I haven't done all of these- we came up with some just for kicks and giggles)

Go to the park and cloud watch - like the movie "Up"
Whipped Cream Costume Party
Go have a Picnic
Take a walk through a park
Make 2 doz. cookies 1 for you and one for a friend  deliver in secret
Play truth or dare
Play pictionary or Charades
Go grab ice cream comes and take a walk
Build a fort
Go on a Bike Ride
Go share the love and buy flowers for someone you know and deliver in secret
Go Camping
Mini Golfing
Go Dancing
Finger Paint and relate each other's most embaressing moments
Go buy a frisbee and  play catch at a park
Have a costume Party
go sledding -if snowing - or Swimming if warm
Drive on the busiest street singing at the top of your lungs with the windows down
Give each other massages
Go tubing- in the snow or down a river
Write each other a love poem
Go climb a tree and eat apples
Have an "UN-Birthday" Party
Go Lingerie Shopping together
Go to the gym together
Play a board game
Have a Blast from the Past night and listen to your favorite childhood music (watch music videos)
Play Strip Poker - whoo hoo!
Go to a drive in movie
Make and decorate cupcakes
Go visit people in a Nursing Home
Go Fishing in the Dark
Go skinny Dipping
Go play catch
Just Makeout- nothing more- nothing less
Make a Baby
Go star gazing
Go build a fire and roast marshmallows to make smores
Have a Blast from the Past night. Make your favorite childhood food - mac n' cheese - spaghettios etc.

Place all of the written tongue depressors in a quart sized jar and wrap with colored twine. Add whatever embellishments you want! So cute and fun!

Linking up here


  1. Awesome Ideas. Thanks To sharing with Us...

  2. not a bad idea for gift for my darling hubby, or else its usually difficult finding gifts for husband
