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Monday, July 28, 2014

School Lunch Napkin Notes

School is beginning soon! Can you believe it? Where has this summer gone? I was looking through an old magazine and saw a coupon, valid until May. I literally took out my phone to see what day it was because I thought I still had time to use it! That's how behind I am! Ha ha. Well now, I am getting back on track and am floored it's almost AUGUST! AHH!
I've been thinking about back to school ideas and remembered something cute my sister's family do with all of their girls' school lunches. They make school lunch napkin notes. While they're preparing their lunch in the morning my sister, brother-in-law, or one of their daughters will write a little note on a napkin. My niece Carly has kept ALL of her napkin notes. I guess she never needed to use her napkin! Ha ha. 
I asked all 5 of my nieces to share with me some of their favorites. They're listed below.
You never know the impact a sweet small note will have, even if it is in a lunch.

My niece Carly sent this picture to me. Her youngest sister wrote this napkin note for her on a game day. Their High School mascot is Warriors. SO CUTE! 
(Go Lady Warriors)

This pretty much became a tribute to my sister Candace. She is TRULY an AMAZING mom and lets her daughters know of her love for them. I hope and pray I can be half the incredible mom she is to her daughters. 

Each of my nieces said they couldn't really describe what her napkins said because my sister would draw little pictures in her phrases. Like, "You Rock," instead of writing "rock" she would draw a rock. So when you see a word in (  ) it means she drew a small picture in place of that word.

Morgan -Have a good day - I (love) you
I packed your favorite treat! Love you

Carly - You (rock)
Have a super-cala-fragalistic-expialadoshus day
(my brother-in-law wrote this one, he's awesome)

Mackenzie- Have a (sun) shiny day
Thinking about you!

Caitlin- You are a Q-T (pie)
I (love) you!

Maren- You are my (sunshine)
You are my love (bug)
You are my (song) (music notes)

Linking up here

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